FAI Online safeguarding Concern Report form
Please complete the following sections with as much detail about the specific safeguarding concern or allegation as soon as possible. A member of the FAI Child Welfare & Safeguarding Department will contact you as soon as possible after receiving the referral, however if a child or Vulnerable person (adult) is in immediate danger, please contact the An Garda Siochana, or TULSA immediately. To keep children and Vulnerable Persons (adults) safe, information may need to be shared appropriately with other entities*. However, confidentiality will be maintained where appropriate and to ensure that only those who need the information are made aware of it. For lower level concerns complaints or concerns please ensure you have following all necessary stages set out in the concern-complaint procedure prior to escalation to the FAI. If you have any queries or concerns about the information you are providing, please contact The FAI Child Welfare and Safeguarding Department at Childwelfare@fai.ie

Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Person reporting the safeguarding concern.
Persons Involved
Child Subject of Harm or Vulnerable Person (Adult) Subject of Harm
Person who concerns are for
Person(s) Allegedly Causing Harm
Person who concerns are about
Are you aware of any An Garda Siochana/ other statutory bodies involvement in this case? If yes, please provide details
Details of Concern
Include all the relevant information, such as detailed description of your concerns and reasons for these. Please describe any injuries or actions causing concern and whether you are recording these as fact, opinion or hearsay.
Please provide details of any one who has shared your concerns or witnessed any incident: Name, Position within the sport or relationship to the individual concerned, DOB, Address, Postcode, Telephone Number, Email Address
Do you have any relationship with anyone involved in this case which could cause a conflict of interest in any investigations? If yes, please describe your relationship
If this is a lower level concern, please confirm that it has been reported and reviewed by Club, League, National Body prior to this report. If not, please state why

The information you have provided on this form will be used for the purposes of recording and handling your concern. The FAI has a legitimate interest under the relevant legislation for processing this information. The information that you provide will be used and stored in accordance with the FAI’s privacy notice, available here.